We have Mario Alberti, creator of a triptych of posters for Trieste Science+Fiction, telling us the secrets of a (so far) unfilmed trilogy.

According to Alberti: “The first image, created two years ago, was a typical launch poster, in the vintage style of the 50s and 60s, in which we come across classic sci-fi: spaceships and robots, and cities in the future. Last year we focused on the psychedelic style of the 70s and 80s, and a canon of more hardcore science fiction: clones, mind control, surgery. For the 2015 poster, we conclude the story with the victorious struggle of the heroine, who was initially the victim, and the defeat of the egg of power. In the detail are references to H.R. Giger, creator of Alien, and a fitting tribute to Star Wars, in the year in which the seventh chapter of the saga, directed by J.J. Abrams, appears on screens, in the form of Obi-Wan Kenobi’s lightsaber.

Simonetti’s Goblin at Trieste Science+Fiction

Joe R. Lansdale will preside over the Jury of the Premio Asteroide