La guerra dei mondi

The War of the World
Byron Haskin
USA 1953, 85′

L’invasione aliena diviene realtà, grazie soprattutto agli effetti speciali di Gordon Jennings. II peggior incubo fantascientifico si avvera in California e, a macchia d’olio, su tutto il pianeta, i marziani sembrano troppo forti e ignorano le bombe atomiche americane. Solo un miracolo può salvare la Terra. Dallo stesso testo Orson Wells ne trasse il celebre radiodramma che spaventò gli Stati Uniti nel 1938.

In War of the Worlds, alien invasion becomes a reality, with much credit going to Gordon Jennings’ special effects. The worst science fiction nightmare imaginable becomes a reality in California, as aliens spread like wild fire across the country; an atomic bomb released by the Americans seemingly has no effect. Only a miracle will save the Earth now. The film is based on the same text that Orson Wells used for his 1938 radio-drama that shocked the United States.

Barré Lyndon
George Barnes
Everett Douglas
Leith Stevens
Gene Barry, Ann Robinson, Les Tremayne, Lewis Martin, Robert Cornthwaite

2001 Festival Lineup

Destinazione Terra

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