The Water Babies

The Water Babies (aka Slip Slide Adventures), Lionel Jeffries, Polonia/ GB, 1978, colore, 35mm, 105′  |  FIFF 1979

Questo fantasy per bambini racconta la storia di un ragazzino di dodici anni che scopre un mondo sottomarino in cui i bambini vengono tenuti in ostaggio da uno squalo malvagio e da un’anguilla.

This children’s fantasy tells the story of a 12-year-old boy who discovers a complex underwater world where young children are held prisoner by an evil shark and an eel.

Charles Kingsley (book), Michael Robson, Lionel Jeffries, Denis Norden
Edward Scaife
Peter Weatherley
Phil Coulter
James Mason, Bernard Cribbins, Billie Whitelaw
Studio Miniatur Filmowych

Vandaag of Morgen Roeland Kerbosch

1984: Prisoner of the Future