Labyrinth – Dove tutto è possibile

Labyrinth, Jim Henson, GB, 1986, colore, 35 mm, 101′  |  2001 Moviegames

Una bambina spera che gli gnomi le portino via il fratellino, che deve accudire. La fantasia diviene realtà, tra castelli fiabeschi, principi cattivi, labirinti escheriani, prove e trabocchetti. Un film che unisce David Bowie ai Monty Python, George Lucas al Muppets Show.

A litte girl wishes that the gnomes would come take her little brother away so she wouldn’t have to look after him any more. Her wish becomes a reality, and she starts a journey of fairytale castles, evil Princes, endless labyrinths, tests and traps.

Terry Jones
Alex Thomson
John Grover
Trevor Jones
David Bowie, Jennifer Connelly, Toby Froud, Shelly Thompson

I guerrieri dell’anno 2072

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