Autumn Harvest

Fredrik S. Hana
Norway 2014, 17’

Un pescatore, depresso per la recente perdita della moglie, tenta il suicidio. Prima che riesca a porre fine alla propria vita, si imbatte in una misteriosa creatura marina. Gli viene offerto di potersi ricongiungere al suo amore perduto e accetta il patto faustiano. Ma prima di poter reclamare la propria ricompensa, dovrà macchiarsi di molti atti sanguinosi.

A grieving fisherman attempts suicide after the recent loss of his wife. But before he can end his life, he is interrupted by a mysterious creature from the sea. He is offered a chance to win back his lost love and agrees to a Faus- tian bargain. But before he can claim his prize he must perform a number of bloody deeds.

Fredrik S. Hana e Marius K. Lunde
Christer B. Runde
Fredrik S. Hana
Anders Hana
Oliver Hohlbrugger, Eili Harboe, Helga Guren
Gunhild Oddsen
Méliès d’argent at Sitges – Festival Internacional de Cinema de Catalunya

2015 Festival Lineup

Nina Forever

A Blue Room