A Message from Outer Space

A Message from Outer Space, Roel Mondelaers, Raf Reyntjens, Belgio, 2004, colore, 35 mm, 10′  |  2005 Corti / Shorts

Frits, un solitario e asociale astronomo, cerca vita extraterrestre per trovare la vera amicizia che non trova sulla Terra. Quando un giorno gli cade in testa un uovo, la sua vita solitaria si riempie di speranza. Convinto che nell’uovo ci sia una creatura extraterrestre, decide di metterlo in incubazione.

Frits, a lonesome young man, is in pursuit of extraterrestrial life in order to find true friendship, which he does not find on Earth. When an egg falls on his head one day, his lonely existence fills up with hope. Convinced of the fact that there is an extraterrestrial creature inside the egg, he decides to incubate it.

Roel Mondelaers, Raf Reyntjens
Roel Mondelaers, Raf Reyntjens
Roel Mondelaers, Raf Reyntjens
Tom Kestens
Matthias Schoenaerts

A 639 Baba

El gran Zambini