Parallelism + Dystopia

Lunedì 1 novembre 2021
Cinema Ariston

Monday 1st november 2021
Cinema Ariston

di Marco Bolognesi
I 2021, 13’+15′


Due mondi, due città che sembrano esistere autonomamente e invece comunicano attraverso dei tunnel spazio-temporali, ponti fra i due mondi.

The film recounts two worlds, two cities that seem to exist autonomously and instead communicate through space-time tunnels, bridges between the two worlds.

Attraverso voci, ricordi, immagini il film ripercorre la vita di George e i suoi traumi, che lo portarono a togliersi la vita e a venire riconfigurato nel corpo di un robot.
Through voices, memories, images, the film traces George’s life and his traumas, which led him to take his own life and to be reconfigured in the body of a robot

In a world where the government records and taxes dreams, an unassuming dream auditor gets swept up in a cosmic journey through the life and dreams of an older eccentric. From Sundance Film Festival comes this playfully surreal romantic fantasy, which envisions a world not so different from our own: a glitchy digital dystopia where every human experience is monetized— where even our unconscious minds have been colonized by advertising.

Lunedì 1 novembre 2021

A Glitch in The Matrix

Strawberry Mansion