Il fango verde

The Green Slime, Kinji Fukasaku, Giappone, 1968, colore, 35mm, 90′  |  FIFF 1968

Dopo aver distrutto un asteroide che minacciava di abbattersi sulla Terra, la pattuglia del colonnello Jack Rankin fa tappa sulla stazione spaziale Gamma-3. Qui una misteriosa sostanza verde, portata inavvertitamente nella base, comincia a generare mostri tentacolari di colore rosso.

After destroying an asteroid that threatened to hit the Earth, Col. Jack Rankin’s patrol lay over on the space station Gamma 3. Here a mysterious green substance, inadvertently brought into the base, begins to form red, tentacled monsters.

Bill Finger (come William Finger), Ivan Reiner, Tom Rowe, Charles Sinclair
Yoshikazu Yamasawa (uncredited)
Osamu Tanaka (uncredited)
Charles Fox, Toshiaki Tsushima
Robert Horton, Luciana Paluzzi, Richard Jaeckel
Lun Film, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM), Ram Films Inc., Southern Cross Feature Film Company, Toei Company

Andromeda Nebula

I, Justice