October 30th, 2023
Casa del Cinema di Trieste

A morning agenda of conferences and roundtables and an afternoon session of in-person one-to-one meetings.

All events will take place in English

Info: forum@scienceplusfiction.org


Ask-me-anything session

Distributing genre films/2

Is theatrical distribution of genre films still profitable? How is digital distribution changing the production of genre cinema? What’s behind decision-making in film distribution? How do theatrical distribution and acquisition operate at an international level? All that you may wish to know about distribution in a special ask-me-anything session with Paul Sophocli, theatrical sales manager at Lionsgate Films UK.

Paul Sophocli, Senior Theatrical Sales Manager, Lionsgate Films UK (United Kingdom)

Roundtable discussion

The state of affairs in genre cinema in Italy

After decades of decay, Italian genre cinema seems to be on its way to recovery, with a new generation of talents and producers and an increasing consideration for the genre. A variegated selection of professionals in the field to check the state of affairs of genre cinema in Italy and its international outlook.

Mattia Oddone, CEO & Partner, Propaganda Italia (Italy);
Marina Marzotto, Producer, Founder & Senior Partner, Propaganda Italia (Italy);
Luna Gualano, director (Italy);
Aurora Ovan, writer & director (Italy)


Networking light lunch


One-to-one meetings

In-person meetings with some of the decision-makers and professionals attending the festival. 40 minutes long slots, first come first served.