November 4th, 2022
DoubleTree by Hilton Trieste, Sala Riserve

A morning agenda of conferences and panels and an afternoon session of in-person one-to-one meetings.

All events will take place in English




Production opportunities in post-Brexit UK

Great Britain has always had a place of its own in the European film industry. What has possibly changed after Brexit? Which peculiarities and which opportunities do English cinema offer nowadays? An insider look at the trends of the English film industry, compared with an outsider’s look from Europe

Giles Edwards – Head of Development & Acquisitions, Queensbury Pictures/MPI Media/Dark Sky Films (UK);
Dario Vecchiato, Head of Acquisitions, Gapbusters (Belgium)


Film industry and local economy: the Catalonia and Friuli Venezia Giulia labs

Do regional fundings and support to the audiovisual industry impact positively on local economies? Are film festival of any help in boosting the film industry? A comparison between the cases of the autonomous regions of Catalonia and Friuli Venezia Giulia, two among the most active and peculiar labs in the European film industry.

Mònica Garcia Massagué, General Manager, Sitges Foundation – International Fantastic Film Festival of Catalonia (Spain)
Paolo Vidali, Director, Fondo Audiovisivo FVG (Italy).


A conversation with Neil Marshall and Buddy Giovinazzo

Two genre film directors, two ages and milieux not so far apart, two very different backgrounds. A discussion to show how different the ways of making films can be, and how deeply the film industry has changed within just a few years.

Session chair
Matthew Turner, freelance journalist and film critic (@FilmFan1971 –


One-to-one meetings

In-person meetings with some of the decision-makers and professionals attending the festival. 40 minutes long slots, first come first served.

Check here the schedule