Alejandro Jodorowsky

2014 Silver Urania Award

Chilean naturalized French director, screenwriter, playwright, poet and cartoonist. He moved to Paris in 1953, where he founded the “Panico” theater movement and became a pupil and assistant of Marcel Marceau. Her directorial debut took place in 1968 with The Enchanted Country (Fando Y Lis) which was followed in 1970 by El Topo, in which she played the part of the protagonist, which gives him international fame. In 1973 he shot The Holy Mountain, a tour de force of mystical deliriums and symbolic visions, spiritualist excesses, violence, sex and blasphemy financed by John Lennon and Yoko Or not. From 2013 and 2016 respectively The dance of reality (La dance de la realidad) and Poetry without end (Poesía sin fin cite>).

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