
Claudio Romano
Italy 2015, 69’

Ananke nella mitologia greca è la dea che rappresenta la personificazione o potenza del destino. In un presente immaginario l’umanità si sta estinguendo a causa di una terribile pandemia. L’unico modo per sfuggire alla morte è evitare gli esseri umani, fuggire, rimanere soli. Dopo un lungo peregrinare, un uomo e una donna trovano riparo in una casa isolata fra le montagne. Sperano di salvarsi adattandosi a una vita primitiva ed essenziale. La natura veglia su di loro, osservandoli dall’alto. Tutto scorre, tutto muta, tutto si trasforma. Per sfuggire alla morte è sufficiente sfuggire all’uomo?

In Greek mythology Ananke is the goddess that represents the personification or power of fate. In an imaginary present, humanity faces extinction because of a terrible pandemic. The only way to escape death is to avoid all contact with human beings, to flee, to be completely alone. After long wandering a man and a woman find shelter in an isolated house in the mountains. They hope to save themselves by adapting to an essential, almost primitive life. Nature watches over them, observing them from above. Everything flows, everything changes, everything is in transformation. Is avoiding man enough to avoid death?In Greek mythology Ananke is the goddess that represents the personification or power of fate. In an imaginary present, humanity faces extinction because of a terrible pandemic. The only way to escape death is to avoid all contact with human beings, to flee, to be completely alone. After long wandering a man and a woman find shelter in an isolated house in the mountains. They hope to save themselves by adapting to an essential, almost primitive life. Nature watches over them, observing them from above. Everything flows, everything changes, everything is in transformation. Is avoiding man enough to avoid death?

Claudio Romano, Elisabetta L’innocente
Juri Fantigrossi
Ilenia Zincone
Anthony Di Furia
Marco Casolino, Solidea Ruggiero
Gianluca Arcopinto
Axelotil Film
Distribuzione Italiana_Italian Distribution
Pablo Distribuzione

2015 Festival Lineup

Acid Space
