Warlords of the 21st Century

Destructors (aka battle truck), Harley Cokeliss, Nuova Zelanda, 1982, colore, 35mm, 91′  |  FIFF 1982

25 tonnellate di carro armato, un demone che avanza inesorabile. Non c’è tempo per fuggire, non c’è tempo per scappare. Il carro armato avanza e niente può fermarlo.

25 tonnes of armed tanks, a demon that advances relentlessly. There’s no time to escape, there’s no time to run. The tank advances and nobody can stop it.

Michael Abrams, Irving Austin, John Beech, Harley Cokeliss
Chris Menges
Kevin Peek
Michael Beck, Annie McEnroe, James Wainwright
Battletruck Films Ltd.

The War of the Worlds: Next Century

Space Men