L’inconnu de Shandigor

La vergine di Shandigor/The Unknown Man of Shandigor
Jean-Louis Roy
Switzerland 1967, 97’

L’Annulator, nuova invenzione dello scienziato pazzo Von Krantz, è in grado di disinnescare le armi nucleari e diviene oggetto del desiderio tanto delle grandi potenze come Stati Uniti e Unione Sovietica quanto di strane organizzazioni quali Les Chauves e Les Asiatiques du Soleil Noir-Orient. Oltre all’assedio della sua villa, vero e proprio bunker protetto da un sistema anti-intrusione, Von Krantz dovrà affrontare il rapimento della figlia e del suo assistente da parte di alcuni aggressori determinati ad appropriarsi dell’Annulator…

Capable of disarming nuclear weapons, the Annulator, a new invention by Von Krantz, a crazy scientist, is as coveted by the major powers like the USA and Russia as it is by those of strange organizations like Les Chauves and Les Asiatiques du Soleil Noir-Orient. After a siege of his bunker, well fortified against intrusion, Von Krantz has to deal with the kidnapping of his daughter and his assistant by assailants who are determined to seize the plans for the Annulator…

Gabriel Arout
Roger Bimpage
Françoise Gentet
Werner Walter
Alphonse Roy
Marie-France Boyer, Ben Carruthers, Jacques Dufilho, Serge Gainsbourg
Frajea Film

2021 Festival Lineup

Hand in Hand
