Giulia e il mostro

Panna a Netvor, Juraj Herz, Cecoslovacchia, 1978, colore, 35mm, 83′  |  FIFF 1981

Per salvare la vita al padre, la terza delle sue due figlie si offre in dono al mostro, che si innamora di lei, ma che, dopo la sua fuga, si ammala di malinconia. Sta per morire quando la fanciulla ritorna e rompe l’incantesimo.

To save her father’s life, his third daughter offers herself to the monster who has fallen in love with her, but who, after her escape, he becomes depressed. He is about to die when the girl returns and breaks the spell.

Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont (fairy tale as Leprince de Beaumont), Juraj Herz, Ota Hofman, Frantisek Hrubín
Jirí Macháne
Jaromír Janácek
Petr Hapka
Zdena Studenková, Vlastimil Harapes, Václav Voska
Filmové studio Barrandov


The Tom Machine