Här Ligger Jag

Here I Lie
Neil Bell, Marq Bailey
Sweden 2004, 10′

Un autista di autobus fa scendere il suo ultimo passeggero in mezzo al nulla e guida nella notte. La mattina seguente passeggia in un lussureggiante e rigoglioso bosco con uno sguardo determinato sul volto, si ficca una pillola in bocca e aspetta che accada qualcosa…

A bus driver drops off his last passenger in the middle of nowhere and drives off into the night. The next morning he walks into a lush and overgrown forest with a determined look on his face as he pops a pill into his mouth and waits for something to happen…

Henning Koch
Stuart Roweth
Latrine Glit
Beng Nilsson, Latrina Kovac, Simon Berger, Jovanna Stolt, Anna Arvidson

2005 Festival Lineup

El soñador

Hate Me