Agente Lemmy Caution, missione Alphaville

Alphaville, une étrange aventure de Lemmy Caution
Jean-Luc Godard
France, Italy 1965, 99′

L’agente segreto Lemmy Caution parte in missione per Alphaville, città della galassia di Ford, in cerca del Professor Von Braunn. Arrivato su Alphaville, l’agente Caution scopre che Alpha 60, il computer creato da Von Braunn, anima del pianeta, governa imperiosamente, mettendo al bando qualsiasi tipo di emozione. Innamoratosi della figlia di Von Braunn, Caution decide di porre termine a tale tirannia…

Secret agent Lemmy Caution drives to Alphaville, capital city in the Ford Galaxie, on a mission to find Professor Von Braun. There he finds that Alphaville’s ruling computer Alpha 60, created by Von Braun, maintains iron-handed control, forbidding all emotion. After falling in love with Von Braun’s daughter, Caution is determined to stop the computer’s tyranny…

Jean-Luc Godard
Raoul Coutard
Agnès Guillemot
Paul Misraki
Michael Mckell, Raquel Meroño, Charlotte Salt, Patrick Gordon

2006 Festival Lineup

Tykho Moon

Black Moon